Droplet Accounting - Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Purpose: This privacy policy aims to explain how "Droplet Accounting" collects, uses, stores, and protects users' personal information.

Acceptance of Policy: By using the application, users agree to all terms of this privacy policy.

2. Information Collection and Use

Collection of Information: The application may collect personal information such as user's name, contact details, email address, device information, location data, etc.

Use of Information: Collected information will be used for purposes such as providing and improving services, user support, security, legal compliance, etc.

3. Information Sharing and Disclosure

Sharing Limitations: The application will not sell, rent, or exchange users' personal information to third parties.

Necessary Disclosure: In cases required by law or to protect user and public safety, the application may disclose necessary personal information.

4. Information Security

Security Measures: The application adopts reasonable physical, electronic, and administrative measures to protect the security of user information.

Data Breach: In case of a personal information breach, the application will take immediate measures to minimize damage and notify affected users.

5. User Rights

6. Policy Changes

Update Notification: If there are changes to this privacy policy, the application will post updates on the website or application, and notify users via email if necessary.